Real Estate Directorate


The IPD brings together under the same umbrella the management of the real estate and logistics and manages the related financial resources.
Its main task is to provide safe, healthy and rational premises for the public.

It provides advice to the Presidency and acts as a project manager, particularly for construction, accessibility and major renovation projects
The logistics department is also responsible for the cleaning of the premises, the maintenance of green spaces, the management of the car fleet, the mail service, and preventive and curative interventions on the technical and security installations.
The Administrative and Budgetary Unit is responsible for budgetary and financial matters, various activity monitoring and planning of partnership projects (CPER), as well as budgetary management of building projects (project management, works, etc.) The IPD is also a professional partner for advice and support for reorganisation and rearrangement projects.

The department carries out all the tasks and obligations of the owner by carrying out :

  • Project management for new construction and major renovation projects.
  • Project management for in-house and/or outsourced work.
  • Maintenance and safety operations on installations
  • Technical assistance in the preparation of the Real Estate and Development Master Plan.
  • Management of heritage databases .


Responsible :
Jean-Luc Choisnet


74 rue Louis Pasteur
84029 Avignon cedex 1

+33 (0)4 90 16 28 22


Find all the documents (Organigramme, Missions and functioning) on the e-Doc space.