The Language Service (SDL) is a testing centre for the French Language Test as part of the Application for Prior Admission (TCF DAP) which takes place at the beginning of the year, every year.

Practicalities of registration

*Registration period

The opening of online registration on the France Education International website will be from 1 October to 15 December 2022 (after this date, access to the online registration will be disabled) to the following address

You must log on to the France Education International website.

*Tariffs 2022-2023 : 74€

*Dates 2022-2023:

The test will take place on Thursday 5 January 2023 at the University of Avignon, Campus Hannah Arendt, site Sainte Marthe.

Note: The SDL is not a testing centre for the TCF for the general public, nor for the TCF for access to French nationality.

For more information:


IMPORTANT INFORMATION: Changes to the written expression test

The format of the written expression test is changing and will now be based on the model of the TCF written expression test used for the assessment in French of all persons wishing to pursue higher education in France at the bachelor's or master's level.

The structure of the test remains unchanged: candidates will be assessed on their listening, reading, grammar and vocabulary skills (in the form of MCQs) and written expression.
However, the new written expression test will last 60 minutes, 30 minutes less than the old version, and will consist of 3 tasks.
The total time for the full TCF-DAP will thus be reduced to 2h25.

A candidate who has taken a TCF (TFC TP) with a written expression test and who holds an attestation whose validity date is current and whose level is sufficient, will be able to use his TCF attestation for his application for prior admission and will therefore not be required to take a TCF DAP. In fact, the TCF TP tests with written expression and those of the TCF DAP are strictly identical, so the certificates are equivalent.

There are no preliminary or replacement sessions in case of absence.

Means of payment

You will have the possibility to pay the 74€ in two ways:

  • Or online, but you must have a credit card (VISA or MASTERCARD). At the end of your bank transaction, you will be able to print your registration confirmation.  
  • Or by sending to France Education international before 15 December 2022 (France Education international- TCF- DAP inscription-1 avenue Léon-Journault - 92318 Sèvres cedex) a cheque for 74 € made out to France Education International's Accounting Officer.
    You must accompany your cheque with the confirmation of registration indicating your surname, first name and the TCF DAP test centre. Upon receipt of your payment, you will receive an email confirming receipt of payment.

*Tariff 2022-2023: 74 €