Accessibility for the disabled

Are you a student with a temporary or permanent disability?

Do not hesitate to ask for accommodation in your exams and/or studies.

For your exams
For your exams

Extra time, exam secretariat, individual room, enlargement of subjects, loan of PC with DRAGON or ANTIDOTE, reformulation/proofreading of the subject.

For your studies

Accompaniment on campus, educational support, note-taking, curriculum development.

As soon as you register, ask to benefit from the Special Study Regime before 30 October (for the academic year), and before 1 March, for the second semester, except in the case of a proven emergency or accident.

The Relais Handicap is in charge of accompanying you, guiding you and advising you in order to organise your studies as well as possible and to find solutions adapted to your situation.

It is important to report to the Relais HandicapThis is to ensure that the accommodation, after having been validated during a medical visit to the University Health Service, is put in place as soon as possible.

Student Referent for Disability

Since 2018, in order to continue supporting students with disabilities, we have created a new email address:


It allows you to meet a student with a disability.
This does not in any way replace the procedure related to the medical visit and the arrangements that may be made by the University with your agreement.

Student disability referent

Dear students,
I am Jean-Jacques Villaret, a student in L2 History and, as a student referent for disability, I am addressing an important subject:
disability in university studies as I myself am disabled by an orphan neurodegenerative disease.
I would not have passed my year without the precious help of a note taker and an exam secretary. I know that it is sometimes complicated to talk about our disability, our problems, but it is fundamental for the success of our studies.
Do not hesitate to talk about it, the university services are there to help you.
You can also contact me for any request, question, project, difficulty, at the following e-mail address

Jean-Jacques Villaret
Student disability referent

Discover the film "To each his own".

This film, directed by Alain PITON, shows how visual perception differs according to visual impairment. Coordinated by the MDPH 84, it was designed and financed with the help of the AVH, Rétina France, CECIDEV, Chiens-guide d'aveugle, Avignon University and the Vaucluse Department.


Relais Handicap
Reception and coordination officer
Anne-Frédérique CARLE

74 rue Louis Pasteur
84029 Avignon cedex 1
Office 0W18
Tel. +33 (0)4 90 16 25 62

University Health Service
Office 0E36
Tel. +33 (0)4 90 16 25 72