To be published

Dialogues around heritage: history as a communication issue?

Jessica de Bideran, Julie Deramond, Patrick Fraysse (dir.)

This book condenses the history of a beautiful adventure that has been going on for ten years. Most of the various contributions were made on the internet, in the Com'en histoire research notebook created in 2013.
The aim is to bring together researchers specialising in the humanities and social sciences and professionals working in the museum and heritage world.
Heritage is considered here at the intersection of historical and communicational approaches, creating a dialogue that the contributors of the book hope will be fruitful, on various themes, such as the narration and telling of history, the use and reception of historical reconstructions, or the new forms of museum mediation and the circulation of history in the public space.
The texts, sources and bibliographical references have been updated to make this book fully up-to-date and useful for professionals, academics, students and all interested parties.

The authors

Under the direction of
Jessica de Bideran - lecturer in information and communication sciences at Bordeaux-Montaigne University.
Julie Deramond - lecturer in information and communication sciences at Avignon University.
Patrick Fraysse -Professor at the University of Toulouse III-Paul Sabatier and researcher in information and communication sciences.

With contributions from
M. Bourdaa, E. Cavalié, R. Cazals, J. Davallon, M. Fontaine, F. Henryot, J. Golonka, M. Labat, T. Le Hégarat, Y. Lintz, L. Macé, S. Madeleine, M. Molinier, J.-A. Pigearias, M.-S. Poli, G. Régimbeau, M.-C. Régnier, C. Saillard, C. Salvetat, J.-F. Sibers, A. Tuaillon Demésy, A. Vigouroux, X. Villebrun, M.-P. Vitali.


Passion for Heritage Collection
376 pages
33 €
Printed ISBN: 978-2-35768-159-0
Digital ISBN: 978-2-35768-160-6
Available on OpenEdition Books.
Presentation and excerpts on the EUA research notebook (