FR CNRS 3621 Agorantic - Culture, Heritage, Digital Societies


The FR 3621 Agorantic is an interdisciplinary research federation whose two main activities are guardianship are Avignon University and the CNRS. This federation brings together 8 research laboratories (member units) and a growing number of project-based associate units. Its main objective is to study societal issues related to digital development. 

Agorantic aims to mobilise and federate teams of researchers from different disciplinary backgrounds on projects and scientific themes associating, on the one hand, Human and Social Sciences (SHS), and on the other hand, computer science and mathematics. The aim is for all the partners involved to pool their expertise in order to promote the emergence of a centre of excellence in digital humanities. 

The scientific objectives of the Agorantic are closely linked to the challenges brought about by digital innovations (Web, social networks, big-data) and computer science (algorithms, recommendation engines, language processing, codes, technical supports) in the worlds of culture, territorial management and political governance. It is these technological, cultural and societal innovations as well as their interactions with the technological and symbolic uses of the participative or collaborative that shape the central concept of the Agorantic RF "Culture, Heritage, Digital Societies". This desire to open up to the diversity of forms and issues motivates the inclusion of all our projects in a unique multidisciplinary approach that consists of bringing together - as far as possible - the concepts, theoretical frameworks and methodologies of the different disciplinary fields involved.

On the Internet



  • Avignon University
  • CNRS


Eric Triquet and Rachid Elazouzi

Research activities

The activities of the RF are based on 5 research areas:

  • Methodologies and Interdisciplinarity
  • Culture and Digital
  • Policy(ies), transparency and ethics
  • Experiences and narratives of the urban
  • Corpus structuring and exploitation (SEC)

Further information

Skills and know-how

  • Processing of large language corpora on social networks.
  • Sociological methods for surveying actual/potential audiences.
  • Digital writing of heritage / cultural mediation.
  • Risk forecasting and prevention.
  • Intelligent mobility.



Hannah Arendt Campus, Louis Pasteur site
University of Avignon
Office 0E28
74 rue Louis Pasteur
84 029 Avignon cedex 1

+33 (0)4 90 16 29 86
+33 (0)4 90 84 22 32



Culture / Heritage / Digital societies / Cultural practices

Documents to download

French/English version of the fact sheet in PDF